‘Big Ideas’ is the unique new release from London-based six-piece The Golden Dregs. It’s an atmospheric, brooding song that places a grooving bass line and warm synths against a beautiful arrangement full of slowly swelling strings. Vocalist Ben delivers a vocal performance full of mystery and simmering intensity. On a hypothetical music video starring Willem Dafoe and Margaret Qualley, Ben says: “From Dafoe’s bed in a small wooden cabin set upon the dunes, he can see down to the shore where Margaret walks through the shallows with intent, trying to reach something but getting no closer. Over the course of the song's 3 minutes and 34 seconds, night falls and the tide rises around her, but despite persistent efforts, Margaret is getting nowhere, and Willem (now lit by flickering candlelight) is finding it harder to make out her form from his bed.” ‘Big Ideas’ is taken from The Golden Dregs’ new album, Godspeed, which drops on April 25th, 2025. -Dan Peeke
